  • kilogram
  • milligram
  • microgram
  • gram
  • ounce
  • pound
  • imperial ton
  • kilogram
  • us ton
  • stone
  • kilogram
  • milligram
  • microgram
  • gram
  • ounce
  • pound
  • imperial ton
  • kilogram
  • us ton
  • stone

Quick, error-free mass conversions

This conversion chart lists the common units of mass, all expressed in grams. It’s a valuable resource that helps you compare different measurements, making it easier to perform calculations related to mass in grams.

  • Unit Name


  • 1 Kilogram

    1,000 Gram

  • 1 Milligram

    0.001 Gram

  • 1 Microgram

    1e-6 Gram

  • 1 Pound

    28.35 Gram

  • 1 Imperial Ton

    1,016,000 Gram

  • 1 Kilogram

    1000 Gram

  • 1 US Ton

    907,185 Gram

  • 1 Tonne

    1,000,000 Gram

  • 1 Stone

    6,350.29 Gram

Kilogram to Milligram conversion example

Sample task: Convert 5 kilograms to milligrams

  • Formula

    kg x 1,000,000 = mg

  • Calculation

    5 x 1,000,000 = 5,000,000 mg

  • End Result

    5 kg is equal to 5,000,000 mg

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What are some commonly used units of mass?

What are some commonly used units of mass?

Some common units of mass used around the world are:

  • Kilogram (kg): This is the base unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI) and is widely used for scientific measurements, trade, and everyday objects.
  • Gram (g): The gram is a commonly used subunit of a kilogram. It is often used for smaller items such as food ingredients, medication dosages, and jewelry.
  • Pound (lb): The pound is primarily used in the United States and a few other countries. It is used to measure body weight, as well as for groceries and cooking recipes.
  • Ounce (oz): The ounce is a smaller unit of mass mainly used in the United States. It is used for smaller masses, such as spices, liquids, and certain food items.
  • Metric ton (t): This is a larger unit of mass equal to 1,000 kilograms. It is commonly used for measuring heavy objects, cargo, and industrial materials.
  • Carat (ct): The carat is a unit used specifically for measuring the weight of gemstones and pearls. One carat is equivalent to 0.2 grams.

It's important to note that while the kilogram and gram are standard in the International System of Units (SI), the pound and ounce are more commonly used in the United States and a few other countries.

How can I convert between metric and imperial units of mass?

How can I convert between metric and imperial units of mass?

Use the conversion formulas specific to each unit to convert between metric and imperial units of mass. Here are some common conversions:

  • Kilogram to pound: Multiply the mass in kilograms by 2.2046.

    Example: To convert 5 kilograms to pounds, multiply 5 by 2.2046, which equals 11.023 pounds.

  • Gram to ounce: The carat is a unit used specifically for measuring the weight of gemstones and pearls. One carat is equivalent to 0.2 grams.

    Example: To convert 200 grams to ounces, divide 200 by 28.3495, which equals 7.054 ounces.

  • Metric ton to short ton: Multiply the mass in metric tons by 1.1023.

    Example: To convert 2 metric tons to short tons, multiply 2 by 1.1023, which equals 2.2046 short tons.

You can use online mass converters or consult conversion tables for more precise conversions or to convert other mass units.

How are mass conversions useful in daily life?

How are mass conversions useful in daily life?

Mass conversions have several applications in everyday life. Here are some common use cases:

  1. Cooking and baking: Mass conversions are essential in accurately following recipes. Converting between grams, ounces, pounds, or kilograms helps measure ingredients and ensure the right proportions for delicious meals and desserts.
  2. Fitness and nutrition: Mass conversions are relevant for tracking and managing weight or nutritional intake. Converting between kilograms and pounds allows for monitoring progress, setting goals, and following dietary recommendations.
  3. Shipping and packaging: Mass conversions are also widely used when sending or receiving packages. Converting between different weight units, such as grams, kilograms, or pounds, helps determine shipping costs, comply with weight restrictions, and ensure accurate labeling.

Remember that accurate area conversions are crucial in these scenarios, and using online area converters can simplify the process and ensure precise measurements for your specific needs.

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