  • celsius
  • kelvin
  • fahrenheit
  • celsius
  • kelvin
  • fahrenheit

Quick and easy temperature conversions

This conversion chart showcases various units of temperature, all expressed in Fahrenheit. It's a valuable resource that helps you understand and compare different units, making it easy to work with temperature in Fahrenheit.

  • Unit Name


  • 1 Celsius

    33.80 Fahrenheit

  • 1 Kelvin

    -457.87 Fahrenheit

Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion example

Sample task: Convert 20 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit

  • Formula

    (°C × 9/5) + 32 = °F

  • Calculation

    (20°C × 9/5) + 32 = 68°F

  • End Result

    20°C is equal to 68°F

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What are some common temperature units used worldwide?

What are some common temperature units used worldwide?

Two common temperature units are used internationally: Celsius (°C) and Kelvin (K).

Celsius is widely used in many countries as the standard unit for measuring temperature. It is based on the freezing point of water at 0°C and the boiling point at 100°C under normal atmospheric pressure. Celsius is used in scientific research, weather forecasts, and general temperature measurements in many parts of the world.

Kelvin is another commonly used temperature unit, primarily in scientific and technical fields. It is the base unit of temperature in the International System of Units (SI) and is used in physics, chemistry, and engineering. The Kelvin scale starts from absolute zero, which is the point at which all molecular motion stops. Absolute zero is defined as 0 Kelvin (0 K), which is equivalent to -273.15°C.

While Celsius and Kelvin are the most widespread temperature units used globally, Fahrenheit is also used in a few countries like the United States. However, its usage is relatively limited compared to Celsius and Kelvin.

What are some practical uses of a temperature converter in everyday life?

What are some practical uses of a temperature converter in everyday life?

Here are some common uses for a temperature converter:

  • International travel: When traveling to different countries, temperature scales may vary. A temperature converter allows you to easily convert temperatures between Celsius and Fahrenheit, ensuring you understand local temperature readings.
  • Cooking and baking: Recipes often list temperatures in different scales. For example, if you come across a recipe that uses Celsius and your oven is set to Fahrenheit, a temperature converter helps you adjust the temperature appropriately.
  • Scientific research: Temperature measurements may be recorded in different scales in scientific research and experimentation. Converting between Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin allows researchers to easily compare and analyze data.
  • Engineering and manufacturing: A temperature converter helps engineers and technicians ensure proper temperature settings and assess compatibility between different systems using different temperature scales.
  • Weather forecasting: Weather reports provide temperatures in Celsius or Fahrenheit, depending on the region. A temperature converter helps understand and accurately compare temperature readings for different locations.
What is an easy way to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit?

What is an easy way to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit?

For a quick Celsius-to-Fahrenheit conversion, use this shortcut:

  • Multiply the Celsius temperature by 2.
  • Add 30 to the result.
  • Now, you have an approximate Fahrenheit temperature.

For example, let's say you want to convert 20 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit:

  • Multiply 20 by 2: 20 x 2 = 40
  • Add 30 to the result: 40 + 30 = 70
  • So, using this quick conversion method, 20 degrees Celsius is approximately equal to 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

Remember that this method provides an estimation and may not be as accurate as the exact formula. But it can help you quickly understand the Fahrenheit equivalent of a Celsius temperature when required.

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